01 December 2005

Overheard, One Marine To Another

"She's got a... ... ... beautiful soul."

"Well, I fucked her soul."

For some reason, this is funny as hell.

27 November 2005

He didn't turn into a pumpkin..

Now that I’ve got everything set up.. well, I guess I can get to the whole meat of blogging.

Being a 20 year old, I can’t claim to have experience in a lot of things – I mean, there’s bound to be people who are a couple years older then me, who have had more experience with any given subject. But on the subject of drunk motherfuckers, I’d say I’ve gotten more experience then most people, if only for the fact that I’m in the Marine Corps. If you didn’t know, the Marine Corps was born in a bar – Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and with that in mind, the Marine Corps produces more then it’s fair share of serious drinkers. Some might even say alcoholics, but.. yeah.

Anyway, keeping all this in mind, we had our Marine Corps Ball last night. The Ball is a traditional event that celebrates the Marine Corps Birthday – 10 November, 1775 – and as such, there’s a lot of heavy drinking.

My room mate Cpl Myrick, he’s a world class drunk. I thought the time he came in drunk, turned on the hot water in the shower, and then proceeded to pass out drunk in the rack, leaving a soaked bathroom for my room inspection the next day was his best. Apparently not.

Last night he came in around 0200, and he had to have two other Marines hold him upright. We stripped him out of his Dress Blues (read: best uniform), and then proceeded to roll his drunk ass into the top rack. After I thanked everybody and escorted that group of drunks out, Cpl Myrick proceeded to roll off of the top rack. Which was a good five feet off the ground. As hilarious as I found this (I’m in the Marine Corps and we were issued a different sense of humor then all the rest), it now presented another problem – getting him back in the rack.

Which, of course, he didn’t want to do. What he did want to do was roll around on the floor, and thrash like he was trying to swim. Occasionally telling the floor to ‘Get the fuck off me’ and ‘Leave me alone’. As amusing as this was, he started knocking crap over, so I decided to take out the trash. The last thing I wanted was him knocking over our garbage, and then rolling around in it.

When I got back, he had convinced himself for some reason, that he needed to stand up. This was also a great source of amusement to me, and I wish I’d had a video camera. It reminded me of one of those nature documentaries where they hit a large African beast with a tranq dart, and they start spasming around. Either that, or one of the scenes from a movie where the preteen hero pours liquid detergent on the floor to make the antagonist slip and slide.

I could go on and describe the two hours of him acting like a jack ass, wanting to fight me, bartering to be let outside for a smoke, more acting like a jack ass and wanting to fight me, but I don’t really have the patience for that, and I doubt it’s something anyone here wants to read. I’ll close with saying that I strongly considered punching him in the face to knock him the fuck out, but refrained only due to our upcoming return to work on Monday.

That and I’m a nice guy.


So... blogging. I've done my own blogging before, but it was on my web page, and I coded it by hand. I guess I came to blogger.com just for a wider user base. IE, readers outside my Mom. *shrugs* Go figure.

Since I am an unknown entity, I guess a little information about myself is in order. I'm a twenty year old male, straight, with a religious preference of Christian. I've been n enlisted man in the United States Marine Corps for over two years, and am currently a corporal in the United States Marine Corps. If anyone ever gets any sort of idea from anything on this blog that I hate the Corps, or I'm one of those guys you see in popular media who trash talks the military: You are fucking wrong. No recruiter lied to get me to sign, I got the job I wanted, and I (as does half of my shop) WANT to go to Iraq. I'm currently stationed out in Okinawa, Japan with the 3rd Marine Division as a 2847 - a Telephone Systems/Personal Computer Intermediate Repairer. Which Basically means I fix computers, telephones, switchboards, fiber optic cables, printers, power supplies, etc. If it breaks, and it isn't a radio, then we probably fix it. Besides being all of this, I'm a Corporal (hence Corporal's Corner), which means I am a leader of Marines, and am responsible for those Marines beneath my rank.

The guys at the shop all call me 'Nick Burns the Computer Guy'. That's me. I can crack passwords, setup your wireless network, or find your printer on the network. Well, I have more diverse skills then that, but that's what people at the shop need me for most.

Most of my free time is spent bouncing between various message boards, a little online gaming - a World War II first person shooter, keeping up a hand coded website that I maintain did Blogging before Blogging was big, and a myriad of other assorted projects. I read occasionally - nothing deep or relevant - strictly fictional pleasure reading. I used to read a thousand pages a week back in Middle School, but that was before the internet was available to me..

I guess that's it for now.

-Cpl Nessola